Thursday, December 27, 2007

T-Post Magazine

I read about this at the Magazineer, a blog devoted to magazine design and print culture by Derek Powazek in San Francisco. This is the first time I've heard of him, so I'm slowly going over the different things he's done.

But onto T-Post. What a great idea! Playing with the inside and outside of a t-shirt has such a wonderful structure in both literal and abstract levels. The design is also pretty top-notch. They seem to bring in a different illustrator every issue.

The one difficulty I have is with what appears to be the brevity of the pieces (I say "appears" because I don't have own a copy yet though I intend to order one soon). T-post reads less like a magazine and more like the introduction to an art exhibit. At 26 Euros -- $37 approximately -- it just doesn't seem like a good deal -- unless you're an elitist hipster with money to burn.

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